Life is Full of Transitions

Change is the last thing many of us want in our lives. The truth of the matter is our lives are full of transitions, and, much to our chagrin, the changes are not always welcome. One of the tougher transitions can be moving from one residence to another. The longer you live in one place the more difficult the transition can be. That is to say nothing of transitions such as the abrupt loss of one’s job, the loss of a loved one, your boss giving you a whole new set of responsibilities, your adult child wanting to get married, you becoming gravely ill, etc.

Dealing with these transitions can be difficult. The 10 steps below might provide ways to get through them:

Recognize that transitions hold a special place in your memories

Moving is actually a major event. It is something we will remember, not just for the moment, but for years to come, even decades. Rather than trying to remove it from your consciousness because it is difficult to deal with, embrace it. Give it the place it deserves as a transition that has helped shape your life.

View stress not as a threat but as a challenge

Stress is always in the eye of the beholder. You can take a stressful event that you might be afraid of and turn it into an occasion to rise above and conquer. The victory lies on the other side of the struggle. Press through.

Appreciate the benefits of change

When we get stuck in the same groove of routine, studies have shown it is detrimental to your cognitive growth. Change your routine so that it can serve as stimulation to your stagnated nervous system, thus creating new neural pathways.

Remember the times that you successfully navigated past transitions

You will invariably face new challenges in life; use the knowledge that you gained in past changes to your advantage. Yes, having to deal with the flood damage to your house was a traumatic experience, but you dealt with it and handled it. That has helped make you a stronger person.

Turn to your support system

According to researchers in the stress and coping field, utilizing social support is one of the most significant keys to successfully managing stress. Even tapping into an online community of people that are going through a similar experience can provide a much needed emotional boost.

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Getting organized prior to a major transition is one of the best ways to guarantee that all will work out when the time comes to make your move. Whether that move is to change jobs, change your place of residence, or retire, getting things in order will lessen the stressful impact of it all. If you are planning to retire, give yourself at least 2 years of preparation so that you will not be devastated by the loss of your work role.

Use the transition to reflect on where your life has been, and where it is going

A relocation move you make is not just a physical move, but an emotional move as well. Roughly 40% of all physical relocation moves we make will register above the mid-point scale on both material and psychological change. Each time you move, you must engage or disengage with items you have possessed, many of which have some significant emotional meaning to you. For example, say you happen upon an old photograph of a trip to Yosemite that you took with your family 7 years ago; even if you decide to throw it out, for that moment it jogged a pleasant memory from your past.

Focus on positive aspects

Are you moving out because you are downsizing, or is it because you can no longer afford the rent? Yes you would rather stay, but now that you have to move, what can you come up with that will make it a positive move? Downsizing enables you to reduce clutter and give yourself a fresh start. The move may also simplify your life in ways that you did not initially realize.

Use models to inspire you through the transition

Find examples of people who inspire you to navigate through a difficult period in your life. There are many examples of trauma victims who have made miraculous transitions in their lives to the point of forgiving their transgressors, so they could move forward in life. You can use this as your catalyst for change.

Realize change is an inherent part of life

Without change our lives would actually be very difficult indeed. You may not seek change, however change will inevitably seek you out. Take heart in the fact that no one in life ever stands still. People will enter your world, and people will exit it. Material possessions come and go, careers inevitably change direction, and we all age. No one ever gets through life without undergoing some type of change, so when it happens, don’t fight it.


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